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Hello, and thanks for dropping by and checking out my Fitbod review.

We all love the feeling of walking through the gym doors with confidence and purpose, knowing what needs to be achieved and how to do it.

Easier said than done! 

Throughout my career as a fitness pro, I’ve come across many wandering and conscious eyes at the gym, looking for guidance and support. 

I’m always keen to help in any possible way. That’s why I want to introduce you to the Fitbod app, the virtual trainer that might be the missing piece in your fitness journey. 

But that is your place to decide. 

However, I’ve personally put Fitbod to the test, and today I will share its features, pros and cons, and my honest, professional views and experiences.

So tighten your lifting belt and let’s get that fit bod!

Snapshot Rating 

  • Brand Reputation: 4
  • Results: 5
  • Value-for-money: 4
  • Workout Quality: 3.5
  • Price: 4.5

About Fitbod

fitbod app review

Fitbod is a subscription-based fitness app that helps you build personalized workouts based on your goals, experience level, and equipment availability.

It offers a wide range of exercises with demo videos, recommended sets, reps, and rest times. The app accommodates your time and place, availability, and preferred style of training

What is Fitbod?

Fitbod is essentially an AI algorithm. It’s a visual personal trainer that studies your abilities and training by the information you logged on your app. 

It then builds each workout on your past workouts to progress you on your journey, so you never lack results.

It takes into consideration: 

  • Your weight lifting experience
  • Your reason of joining Fitbod (your goals)
  • Where you exercise
  • Your equipment availability
  • How often you want to or can train 

Once you complete their simple sign-up process, you are given a free three-workout trial to get familiar with the app and the exercises. 

After completing three workouts, you will then need to upgrade to either a monthly plan for $12.99 or a one-time annual payment of $79.99. That would come out $6.67 per month, half the price of the monthly purchase.

You can also get a one-month trial through their website, or by emailing their support team: [email protected]. You will be able to log unlimited workouts after the free trial period ends.

Who is Fitbod for?

The Fitbod app can suits a wide range of people, such as those who: 

  • Are novice, beginner, intermediate, and advanced athletes.
  • Are unsure what exercises to do to reach their fitness goals.
  • Want an ultimate workout app that keeps their routine fresh and full of variety.
  • Prefer bodyweight exercise, travel a lot, or don’t have a gym membership.
  • Want to do a mixture of weight training and other training styles at the gym.
  • Want to avoid overtraining, with tracked recovery!
  • Need an app that keeps track of their progress with weekly volume (how many sessions), intensity (weights used, calories burned) tracking.
  • Can’t afford personal training in the long run, but need a structured plan and support.  
  • Want to feel confident, safe, and injury-free while exercising through detailed instructions and videos. 
  • Want to avoid hitting plateaus. 
  • Want to learn different training styles including weight training, HIIT, cardio, body weights, foam rolling, warm-ups, and cool-downs. 
  • Are busy professionals, parents, and digital nomads
fitbod your gym exercises

Things To Consider Before Buying a Fitbod Subscription 

There are a few things to consider and evaluate before you head jump into the app and training.

fitbod app considerations

Your Fitness Goals

Fitbod will ask what your goals are, and starting with a clear head is essential to reach them. Also, you need to make sure Fitbod aligns with your goals. 

Are you aiming to build muscle, lose weight, increase strength and size, or do you want to master the basics of power or Olympic weight lifting? The app can probably help.

However, if you want to do energy system-specific conditioning for martial arts, then Fitbody won’t be for you.

Training Experience

The Fitbod app serves many people with different fitness levels, including novice, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. 

You should clearly understand where you are in your fitness journey before you sign up.

This isn’t just important to get a suitable program for yourself by Fitbod but to avoid overtraining, ongoing soreness, and failure that will put you off from training altogether.

Graduality is key!


While Fitbod is considered affordable with a monthly fee of $12.99, it won’t suit everyone’s budget. 

I always say it’s not an expense; it’s an investment in your health. You should use their free trial and decide whether you agree.

Device Compatibility

There are countless smartphones and fitness watches nowadays, so it’s worth checking whether the Fitbod app is compatible with your device, operating system, and smart watch.

I know that Fitbod first started developing their iOS system with a two-year head start over Android, which makes the app better on an iPhone. However, they have promised some exciting new updates to Android for 2023. 

Available Equipment

It’s worth looking around in your garage to see your available equipment. You can put it through the app, but you should be prepared.

Also, check what machines your gym has as the app offers an extensive choice of equipment.

I like to be organized with my workouts and choose the machines and preferred equipment, especially when coming back from an injury. However, the app allows you to change everything included as you go.


Of course I am reviewing the app, and ensured I went into detail writing this masterpiece. But our values may vary, which is why it is always good to look at other reviews before choosing an app.

A bit later, I’ll be sharing some real customer Fitbod reviews, so stay tuned for that.

Your Time and Availability

Fitbod adjusts the workouts to your time and availability, which increases the chance for people to actually commit. 

But there are exceptions. If you subscribe to and pay for an app you should make sure to schedule your workouts around your commitments, so you don’t just give it a miss whenever you want to. 

Training requires dedication, and time investment. A good daily and weekly schedule can be your path to success.

Fitbod Features

fitbod features
fitbod features target muscles

Personalized workouts

Fitbod generates customized workout plans based on individual goals, fitness levels, experience, time, and place availability. 

This helps you achieve visible results like getting stronger, fitter, losing weight, and gaining muscle. The wide range of exercises will help you stay motivated and have fun, especially if you get bored too quickly with montone training routines

You may also stay injury-free with Fitbod due to their gradually progressing workouts.

Video demos and written instructions

The demo videos and detailed instructions were made for your confidence and safety. This way, you’re ready to use proper form and operate equipment appropriately where necessary.

Following the instructions and video guides can keep you injury-free and safe while training at home, on the beach, at the gym, or anywhere else you like.

Progress tracking

Fitbod is a smart app, an algorithm that learns your preferences, studies your past workouts, and builds your upcoming workouts based on these details. 

It also knows the principles of strength, hypertrophy, powerlifting, or Olympic weightlifting training, with accurately planned reps and sets for your fitness goals. 

You will see the calories burnt, your workouts, and how long you have done them.

Your gym profile

You can create multiple gym profiles based on your preferences.

This can be particularly helpful for those traveling with their jobs and can only make the gym some days while trying to keep fit on the go, too. 

Your gym profile can be changed anytime. It includes the tools your gym has for training, your body stats, and your experience level. So don’t worry; the app is very flexible.

Track muscle recovery

This is one of my favorite Fitbod app features. It tracks how tired each muscle group you worked on is and how much recovery it needs before hitting the same muscle group again. 

It also tells you that you can keep working those muscles that aren’t fatigued yet.

This is especially important for beginners who get sore at the start of their journey as well as those who tend to overtrain. 

It’s a fantastic feature to keep you injury-free and healthy! 

Weekly workout schedule & preview

Fitbod offers the option to set workout reminders to help you stay consistent and committed to your training. Just go to Fitbod’s settings menu and switch on the push notifications. 

Fitness tracker syncs

Enjoy the hands-free experience and upload your data on your iOS Fitbit, Strava, and Apple Health. 

They are planning to add more smartwatches to their list in the near future. Also, if you have one in mind, feel free to share with them your device or app request by emailing [email protected]

fitbod really works

Does Fitbod really work?

Fitbod has all of the guidance needed to successfully start your fitness journey. It also progresses as you get fitter, so you don’t hit a plateau!

Unfortunately, it’s still no magic wand that you can wave for instant results. It works if you invest time into your training and stay consistent, just like anything else.  

fitbod before and after

How does Fitbod work?

Ready to start? First, let me guide you through the simple process to start using Fitbod.

Download Fitbod App

Fitbod is available in Google Play or App Store. You can also connect it to your Apple watch, where you can watch, track, and log your exercises as you go. Then, just sync it and it automatically updates on your app.

You won’t need to pay immediately after downloading, you can just upgrade after your trial.

Build Your Profile

At this stage you will be asked about your experience and goals. You will be able to change all these details on your profile later on, so don’t worry if you mess it up or change your mind.

Place and Equipment

Next up is for you to think where you want to or can train and what equipment you have access to. 

  • Large gym
  • Small gym
  • Garage gym
  • At home
  • Bodyweight only 

You can also customize the equipment including dumbbells, bar types, and benches. The same goes for any training accessories like bands, box, tire, TRX, bosu, foam roller, cones and more.

The app also goes through what muscles you trained when you exercised the last time, which gives an idea for the app how to structure your upcoming routines

Then you choose the frequency of your workouts. Pick how many days a week you can exercise or what specific days.  

Body Stats

Here you’ll need to enter your details, such as:

  • Height
  • Weight
  • Gender
  • Age

Before you sign up, you will be required to accept their terms and conditions. 

Payment and Cancellation 

What’s worth mentioning is their cancellation policy. If you signed up for a one month free trial through their website, you will be automatically charged after your trial period ends.

You can cancel anytime by emailing [email protected] and can use any remaining time on your subscription. 

The normal three-workout free trial finishes after you have completed three workouts. Then you will need to upgrade manually to carry on with your routine.

Fitbod Pros and Cons

fitbod pros and cons

While the Fitbod app has some amazing benefits, it’s worth mentioning its flaws, too. Let’s review the best of this app and some potential drawbacks.

fitbod reviews

Fitbod Pros

  • Affordable price
  • Customized workouts
  • Easy to use interface/easy navigation
  • Offers a free trial
  • Responsive customer service
  • Multiple “Your Gym” accounts
  • Hands free tracking (Apple watch compatible) 
  • Iphone friendly 
  • Unlimited modifications
  • Variety of workouts
  • Warm-up, cool-down, recovery, and stretching

Fitbod Cons 

  • Requires a subscription for full access
  • Lack of personalized guidance
  • Android compatibility faults (still under development)
  • No rest periods 
  • Some demo videos display incorrect technique
  • The app may interfere with your choices and suggestions
  • Some video demos do not fit the description


My thought on the cons is that Fitbod really tries to solve them and learn from feedback and reviews.

Whenever suggestions or bad reviews come up, they always politely deal with it or come up with different solutions. But it doesn’t get ignored!

How To Use Fitbod

fitbod subscription

To use Fitbod, follow the easy sign up process I mentioned above. Then, you are all set and ready to start your workouts.

Fitbod does not recommend a specific amount of training. That can be confusing to those new to working out. However, current guidelines recommend adults do strength training for all major muscle groups two to three times a week to achieve the desired results.

This may suit a novice or beginner, but I would suggest increasing your volume and intensity to four to six days as you progress. 

Any time frame you can spend at the gym is better than none, so if it’s 30 minutes, that’s fine. If you can do an hour, that’s even better!

Fitbod allows you to choose how frequently, on which days, and for how long you want to exercise. It will then develop a training plan matching your lifestyle and preferences whether you work out daily or three days a week.

Finally, listening to your body and having rest days are necessary and can speed up your progress and prevent overtraining. Overtraining may cause injuries and impede growth, so rest is an important part of your training.

Real Customer Fitbod Reviews

Fitbod has over one million downloads on the Google Play store and 15K reviews with an overall rating of 4.6. You won’t find many bad reviews.

Features customers like:

  • Big exercise database
  • Easy to follow instructional videos for every exercise
  • Easy setup
  • User-friendly platform
  • The workouts hit the full body over the course of a week
  • Fitbod has the most flexibility for how you build your workouts

It gets you buff for a much cheaper subscription *****

“It takes care of what matters for a much cheaper subscription. I love how it switches up each workout to target new muscle groups. My favorite feature is being able to switch a certain exercise in your workout with another that targets the same muscles. 

Perfect for if you don’t want to use a certain machine or if it’s being used! That’s so dope.”

                                                                                                             – Dionte

You can get addicted to this app *****

I’ve been using Fitbod for a couple of years now and I’m totally hooked. Once you get to know the app, you can get more and more out of it. I always tweak the workouts or save my own workouts. Fitbod then does the rest and can adjust the rep range and weights for me. Amazing app!                                                                                                     – Avish

Newbies can now confidently walk through the gym doors *****

“As a Gym newbie, this makes everything simple, relaxing, and I am making gains.

The Android app needs bringing up to par with the Apple version, but they seem to be working on this.

Very happy with it as a paid customer.”

                                                                                                           – Jonathan 

Huge variety *****

“I’ve tried a lot of workout apps, and so far this one is the best…I have ADD and it has always been frustrating and overwhelming trying to put workouts together and ones that I’m happy with. 

This app, don’t just give you one set way to work out and be like, “ok, here you go”. It gives you many options to pick and choose from to tailor around what you are looking for, and also equipment that is available to you. GREAT app!”  

                                                                                                                      – Marie

Helpful customer service *****

“Been a customer for four years now. I love the app. I had two problems in those four years that required me to contact support and the support team was nice, helpful, and timely. Thanks for finally changing the add and subtract rest time buttons, the old buttons were confusing.”


Alternatives To Fitbod

While Fitbod is an awesome app, I understand you may have different preferences when choosing an app to assist you on your fitness journey. 

Therefore, I’ve got some alternatives to Fitbod and their pros and cons. 


This fitness app is specifically a weight lifting routine tracker with a big community behind it. You can compete or compare results with your friends and track your training with up to date weekly reports. 

You can also access over 1400+ exercises, get advanced plans from experts, and use the app without ads for $69.99 billed yearly or $ 12.99 billed monthly.

Alternatively, you can try the free version of the app without the advanced tracking features and expert advice.


  • Thorough tracking
  • Large exercise selection
  • Easy workout customization
  • Easy planning
  • Performance and body stats tracking
  • Device accessibility and compatibility 
  • Online community
  • Progress report
  • Video guide



Freeletics fitness app was made to overcome barriers to fitness like time, location, money, equipment, and lack of knowledge. 

This app focuses on short, high-intensity workouts, bodyweight exercises, and cardio that you can do anytime and anywhere with over 1000 training variations to choose from!

The sessions built by Freeletics are suitable for beginners and advanced. The free version of Freeletics only gives access to limited workouts and exercises. 

Purchasing the training coach or coach and nutrition bundle will open up the door to all their special features, including:

  • Expanded workout selection, 300+ bodyweight & gym exercises
  • Tailored training plans and recommendations.
  • Exclusive workout content, nutrition guidance, and educational materials
  • Ad-free experience
  • Training statistics overview
  • AI Coach
  • Instructional videos
  • 100+ audio sessions
  • Tips for your training, mindset, health, and nutrition goals
  • Recipes and tailored meal plans


  • Customer satisfaction
  • Great before and after results
  • Encouraging for users to continue their fitness journey
  • Customized exercises
  • AI Coach
  • Custom routines to suit various tastes and goals
  • Good user interface
  • Workout demos
  • Cost-effective/good value 


  • Auto-renewal without the users approval or a previous warning
  • No-refund policy 
  • Customer support is not responsive
  • Workouts do not target specific body areas
  • No smartwatch integration


Strong is a weight lifting tracker that can record your workout simply and effectively. You just create your workout, name it, and add the exercises you are doing. Once you are done, just mark it as complete. 

In the free version of Strong you can only add three custom routines. If you buy Strong PRO you can unlock for an additional PRO features like:

  • Unlimited workout templates 
  • Record body part measurements 
  • Access to all charts 
  • Plate calculator 
  • Warm-up calculator 


  • Easy workout tracking
  • Handsfree tracking
  • Workout customization
  • Automatic progression function
  • Simplicity
  • Customer support
  • Metrics and monitoring features


  • Limited features like inability to set automatic weight increases
  • No superset editing
  • Manual entry required for workouts like Olympic weightlifting or Crossfit
  • Premium version is costly
  • No guidance on weights and the program
  • You cannot sync with multiple devices

Fitness AI vs Fitbod 

Fitness AIFitbod
PersonalizationAI-powered personalization suited to the user’s individual requirementsHigh level of personalization for achieving specific fitness goals, for different fitness levels
Exercise VarietyProvides a wide range of activities, particularly for weight lifting.Provides a wide range of workouts with all equipment, bodyweight, HIIT and cardio
Workout TrackingTracks progress and give insights over timeComprehensive workout tracking, that is more limited on Android
User InterfaceUser-friendly, easy navigationUser-friendly, easy navigation
Integration with Other Apps/DevicesNot available on AndroidDifficulty in Android updates
Additional FeaturesMassaging option to consult an expertAll in-app features
Pricing and Subscription Options$49.99/year 7 days free trialMonthly Plan: $12.99 
Yearly Plan: $79.99 
3 workouts FREE trial

Fitbod Free vs Paid

There isn’t a lifetime free plan that Fitbod offers. You can get the three-workout trial or one-month free trial, but then you will need to choose a subscription to keep using the app. 

Once you purchase the Elite plan (subscription), you can log unlimited workouts and access your training data.

Fitbod Membership Cost

  • Monthly Plan: $12.99 
  • Yearly Plan: $79.99 

They also do occasional lifetime memberships for Black Friday to Cyber Monday for 1,000 people. 

Log into your app and set up to be notified when there are more Lifetime Fitbod subscriptions available!

Company Details

Fitbod Verdict

There may be a lot of fitness apps out there, but Fitbod cannot be compared to many others. 

It is under consistent development, and their small team is always incorporating customer feedback. 

To sum it up, Fitbod has over 900+ exercises with demo videos, instructions, and ultimate workout plans. It plans your next workout, best exercises, reps, and weight based on your fitness history, goals, and experience. 

You will also be fresh for your next workout thanks to tracked recovery! 

If you want to try it for yourself, sign up today and start your workouts after a few simple steps. 

And if you do end up giving Fitbod a shot, be sure to let me know what you think of it.

Frequently asked questions

Is Fitbod free?

The subscription is not free, but you can try three free workouts with Fitbod or a one-month free trial by visiting their website.

Is Fitbod worth it?

Absolutely. Fitbod has over 900+ exercises with demo videos, instructions, and workout plans. It plans your next workout, best exercises, reps, and weight based on your fitness history, goals, and experience. 

How much does Fitbod cost?

Fitbod costs you $12.99 monthly or $79.99 yearly, depending which subscription you prefer.

Is Fitbod a good app?

Fitbod is highly versatile and dynamic with lots of features. Their customer service is incredibly helpful and if you stay consistent, you can easily see results.

How to use Fitbod?

Simply visit their website and sign up for free by answering few questions such as:

– Your weight lifting experience
– Your reason of joining Fitbod (your goals)
– Where you exercise
– Your equipment availability
– How often you want to or can train
– Body stats

Then, you are ready to start your first workout!

Is there a better app than Fitbod?

Better no, different yes. All fitness apps serve different purposes, and were made for different people. I do believe Fitbod did a great job designing their app for most people. 

Can you use Fitbod without a subscription?

Only for a limited time – your first three workouts are free.

How many free workouts do you get with Fitbod?

You will get three free workouts that you can complete within your free trial with Fitbod.

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