For some lifters, building an impressive chest is simply a matter of dialed-in training, nutrition, and recovery. Others have additional challenges to overcome. Namely, genetics. Genes play a big role in the look (and strength) of the chest muscles. This... Read More
In the fitness community, Mondays are known as “international chest day.” This is just one way we can tell that the chest is one of the most popular areas to train. In addition to fundamental training to build strength and... Read More
When it comes to the most popular muscle groups to train, the chest, shoulders, and arms usually take priority. Heck, even quads and abs get plenty of love as fellow mirror muscles. However, one of the most important muscle groups... Read More
Whether you are training either in the gym or for sport, the desire to have a set of thick, muscular arms can dictate how we train and approach our workouts. But what about those of you who aren’t seeing results?... Read More
Growing your booty isn’t necessarily the easiest task. Still, it’s an attractive look that many people aspire to have. In general, building muscle takes a lot of work, but you are at least able to choose where you gain muscle. ... Read More
Are you one of many who want a heart shaped butt, but aren’t sure exactly how to achieve it? Everyone has a different preference when it comes to body shapes, but the heart shaped look tends to be a favorite. ... Read More
Certain muscle groups enjoy being trained frequently. People strive for a big chest, wide back, and sleeve-filling biceps, while others get left behind. The forearms are one of those forgotten muscle groups. This is an issue not only for our... Read More
For as long as I can remember, flexing your muscles has been a sign of great strength. The appearance of a muscle through its contraction almost seems like the fibers are growing before our very eyes. But does flexing build... Read More
So, you’ve been hitting the gym for some time now, hitting the weights and chugging shakes, but when you look in the mirror you still see a man with a bird-chest staring back. There’s a reason why the bench press... Read More
Developing a strong and broad upper chest doesn't have to be complicated. Most people tend to neglect the upper chest but it's the secret to having a thicker overall chest. A common mistake is only using the flat bench press... Read More
As a skinny fat guy, you know what it feels like to be a zombie: Just like the undead, you’re in that dreaded in-between zone. In other words, you’re skinny and fat at the same time — with the fat... Read More
Looking to be a raging bull in and out of the bedroom and stack on clean muscle mass and look shredded naturally? Perfect, you are in the right place. You are reading this to learn how to increase your testosterone... Read More
Do you wish you could throw on a tank top and show off big, bulging biceps? Everyone loves big guns – they’re eye-catching, flashy, and impressive. But for skinny guys, beefing up your arms may seem like an impossible challenge.... Read More