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Welcome to my Prime Male review, an in-depth look at a popular testosterone booster. 

Now, if you’re a man interested in wellness supplements, you’ve probably wondered if you should try a testosterone booster. 

After all, there are seemingly hundreds of these products out there today. 

And with all of these different products, it’s my goal as a health practitioner and researcher to help you make the best possible decisions for your goals. 

That’s why I’ll go over all aspects of Prime Male testosterone booster, so you can see if it’s actually worth buying. 

Keep reading my Prime Male review if you want to know the ingredients, features, possible benefits, pricing, safety, and more. 

Snapshot Rating

  • Ingredient Quality: 4 out of 5
  • Dosage Strength: Moderate
  • Brand Reputation: 4.5 out of 5
  • Price: Expensive
Prime Male Natural Testosterone Booster

The Prime Male testosterone booster formula contains 12 key, clinically-researched ingredients which they say are specifically designed for men aged 30 and above. All of the ingredients are designed to work together to help men get back the energy, vitality, and youthfulness they enjoyed in their teens and 20s. 

  • Well-researched ingredients
  • Effective doses of ashwagandha, vitamin D3, and zinc
  • May increase free and total testosterone
  • Benefits for libido, energy, and exercise
  • May have cognitive and mood benefits
  • Fully transparent label
  • Made in GMP-certified, FDA-approved facilities
  • A number of ingredients are underdosed
  • Some ingredients aren’t well-researched (e.g. vitamin K2, nettle)
  • Very expensive
  • Have to take four pills (one pill, 4x/day)
We are reader funded, which means we earn a small commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. We appreciate the support!

About Prime Male/Roar Ambition

Prime Male is a brand with a popular parent company, Roar Ambition. 

Roar Ambition is regarded as one of the better companies out there as it relates to product quality, safety, and effectiveness. 

All Roar Ambition supplements are made with all-natural ingredients in GMP-certified facilities in the US and UK. 

Some of their supplements are advertised as the most effective and well-researched formulas on the market.

Besides Prime Male, some other supplements tied to Roar Ambition include the Hunter Evolve Line, TestoFuel, and Hourglass Fit. 

What is Prime Male?

Prime Male is advertised as a natural supplement to give men a boost in testosterone-enriched vitality. 

This original formula can be taken with their other supplement, Prime Male Enhance, to possibly get better results. 

The Prime Male testosterone booster formula contains 12 key, clinically-researched ingredients which they say are specifically designed for men aged 30 and above. 

All of the ingredients are designed to work together to help men get back the energy, vitality, and youthfulness they enjoyed in their teens and 20s. 

Is Prime Male Legit?

Prime Male testosterone booster

With so many testosterone boosters on the market, you may be wondering if the Prime Male supplement is legit. 

After going through all aspects of the product, I find that Prime Male has the potential to be a legitimate testosterone booster. 

As you’ll see in more detail, Prime Male testosterone booster has research-backed ingredients that may boost testosterone and increase vitality. 

There’s also at least one aspect that could be improved, as I’ll share later.

Things to Consider Before Buying Prime Male

Factors to consider include pricing, dosing, ingredient base, and transparency. 


Make no mistake. Prime Male isn’t cheap. It costs $75 per month, which is $2.50 per serving. 

Although, you get access to order add-ons if you buy more than one bottle at a time (more on that later). 


Prime Male supplement dosing

You have to take Prime Male four times per day. This can be a turn-off for some people who have busy lives. 

Technically, you could take all four pills at once, but Prime Male argues that this isn’t the best dosing regimen. 

Ingredient Base

Men can and should be a little wary of testosterone boosters. This is in large part due to the fear of using steroids or other exogenous hormones.

But Prime Male doesn’t contain any steroids, SARMs, HGH, or any related substances associated with organ damage or “doping.”

SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) and HGH are synthetic drugs designed to have similar effects as testosterone in terms of their muscle-building effects. But they’re banned by many competitive organizations and also carry the risk of side effects, such as liver damage.

Rather than including these substances, Prime Male contains safer ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, and herbs, designed to help your body boost testosterone naturally.


Many testosterone boosters out there are proprietary blends, which makes it difficult to know how much of each ingredient you’re getting.

But Prime Male has a fully transparent label, so you can see the exact ingredients in it and what the specific dosages are.

Prime Male Features

In this section, I’m going to go over some key features of Prime Male testosterone booster. 

Pay special attention to what the possible benefits are and how these features may relate to your needs and goals. 

Natural Testosterone Boosters

As men age, they experience a natural decline in testosterone after around age 30. This can increase the risk of many annoying symptoms, such as lower libido, less muscle, less strength, worsened mood, and more.

To counteract this, some men turn to steroids, SARMs, or other unnatural supplements. These may come with side effects such as heart and liver problems, acne, mood swings, and decreased testicular size.

But Prime Male uses only natural ingredients that are designed to support the body’s natural production of testosterone. 

This means that it claims to increase testosterone to safe, natural levels, so you still get the benefits without the side effects. 

Strength and Muscle Gain

If you have lower testosterone, you may find it harder to recover from workouts and boost your strength and muscle mass. 

As a man, this can be very difficult to deal with, especially if you are competitive and want to be the best version of yourself.

Prime Male wants you to say goodbye to the days of plateauing in the gym. 

They claim to use evidence-based ingredients that support increases in strength and muscle mass, such as magnesium, ashwagandha, and boron.

Libido Enhancers

Prime Male enhance features

As mentioned, one of the symptoms of low testosterone is decreased libido. This can be very frustrating and embarrassing, especially if it involves symptoms such as erectile dysfunction. 

These are common problems, but fortunately, Prime Male claims to naturally boost your libido by increasing testosterone with ingredients like ashwagandha and zinc. 

Plus, Prime Male claims to decrease other hormones that may inhibit testosterone, such as estrogen and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). 

This boost may even increase your confidence and bedroom performance. 

Energy Maximizers

A lot of men complain about having less energy and drive than they used to when they were in their teens and 20s. This may be in part due to low testosterone. 

But it also may have something to do with higher stress levels. After all, most men after the age of 30 have many more obligations and responsibilities than when they were younger.

Well, Prime Male claims to help you get that needed boost in energy and drive with ingredients such as Panax ginseng. 

This may give you more energy for your work, family, workouts, and anything else that’s important to you in your daily life. 

Mood and Cognitive Function

You may associate testosterone primarily with physical attributes, such as muscle, strength, and sex. But testosterone also plays key roles in mental functions, such as mood and cognitive performance. 

And men with low testosterone have an increased risk of depression, poor cognitive function, and more.

Of course, these factors can make it harder for you to perform how you want to and accomplish your goals.

But Prime Male is advertised to deliver a boost in mood and cognitive function. This is not only through the increase in testosterone. 

It contains key ingredients that they say specifically support mood and cognition, including ginseng and ashwagandha. 

Does Prime Male really work?

After reviewing the Prime Male supplement, it could work for some as a testosterone booster.

Of course, individual results may vary. The effects may be more noticeable the older you are. 

Prime Male contains a solid blend of 12 clinically-researched ingredients (albeit some have more evidence than others). 

One concern is that the dosages could be better, but at least a handful of the ingredients are dosed properly.

It’s not a perfect supplement by any means, but it does seem to be one of the better t-boosters out there. There are also a large number of positive Prime Male reviews, which I’ll get into in a later section.

Prime Male Ingredients

As we continue this Prime Male review, I’m going to go over the active ingredients.

There are 12 ingredients in total:

  • D-Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate
  • Boron
  • Korean Ginseng Extract
  • Luteolin
  • Magnesium
  • KSM-66® Ashwagandha Extract
  • Nettle Root 10:1 Extract
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin K2
  • Zinc
  • Black Pepper Extract

Read on below to learn more about these ingredients and their possible benefits.

D-Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate (1,600mg)

D-Aspartic acid calcium chelate is a specific form of the amino acid, d-aspartic acid (DAA). 

DAA is involved in the release of many hormones. It’s also involved in testosterone synthesis and production. 

There is evidence that DAA supplementation can increase testosterone levels in men. 

Effective dosage according to Examine: 2,000 to 3,000mg

Boron (5mg)

Boron is a trace mineral that is involved in controlling inflammation, antioxidant production, cognition, and hormonal health. 

It also seems to decrease SHBG, which in turn leads to greater free testosterone. 

Overall, boron supplementation appears to increase total and free testosterone while decreasing estrogen and SHBG.  

Effective dosage according to Examine: 6 to 10mg

Korean Ginseng Extract (120mg)

Prime Male ingredients

Korean ginseng (also known as Panax ginseng) is the true form of ginseng, which is an herb that has been used medicinally for many years. 

Ginseng may stimulate neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) while also improving energy.

There is some evidence that ginseng supplementation increases energy production and may enhance exercise while reducing fatigue

Plus, ginseng supplementation may enhance libido and improve erectile dysfunction. 

Effective dosage based on research: 3,000mg

Luteolin (60mg)

Luteolin is a flavonoid compound, which is a type of antioxidant. 

There is evidence that luteolin inhibits the aromatase enzyme, which usually converts testosterone into estrogen. So, inhibiting this may lead to greater testosterone levels and lower estrogen.

Magnesium (100mg)

Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in over 700 reactions in the body. It is involved in brain, muscle, heart, and bone health, as well as energy and even stress reduction.

The form used in Prime Male, magnesium citrate, is well-absorbed too.

Also, magnesium has been shown to inhibit SHBG, which in turn helps increase free testosterone levels.

Plus, magnesium supplementation seems to increase testosterone levels, especially in men who exercise. 

Effective dosage according to data: 250 to 450mg

KSM-66® Ashwagandha Extract (300mg)

Prime Male supplement ingredients

KSM-66® is a trademarked and well-researched form of ashwagandha extract. 

Ashwagandha has adaptogenic effects, which means it helps the body respond to and recover from stress.

It also may enhance exercise performance, such as strength, endurance, and fatigue.

Supplementation with ashwagandha decreases stress and anxiety, including the stress hormone, cortisol.

This may increase testosterone, as some research shows, since testosterone is likely higher when one is under less stress.

Effective dosage: 250 to 600mg (possibly up to 1,000mg if in intense training)

Nettle Root 10:1 Extract (160mg)

Nettle (or stinging nettle) root is an herb with many uses. It has certain compounds in it that may bind to SHBG, which could theoretically increase testosterone. 

And there is some research that nettle root inhibits the aromatase enzyme, which means that it stops the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

However, there aren’t any good human studies to solidify these claims.

Vitamin B6 (7.5mg)

Vitamin B6 is a B vitamin involved in energy production, metabolism, and many other things.

Also, vitamin B6 is involved to some degree in testosterone synthesis and production. But there is no good evidence to say that vitamin B6 supplementation increases testosterone. 

Vitamin D3 (100mcg [4,000IU])

Vitamin D3 is a hormone-like compound that you can easily get from the sun. It is involved in brain/mood, bone, muscle, and heart health, as well as immunity.

Vitamin D also plays key roles in testosterone production and overall hormonal health. And research has shown that lower levels of vitamin D are associated with lower total testosterone.

However, vitamin D supplementation may not have many effects unless you have low testosterone or are deficient in vitamin D, but there is some evidence of benefits.

Effective dosage according to research: 1,000 to 2,000 IU for a moderate dose (can go up to 4,000IU)

Vitamin K2 (45mcg)

Vitamin K is an essential vitamin that plays a role in bone and blood health. Also, it seems to have synergistic effects with vitamin D3 for enhancing bone and heart health. 

This means that vitamin K2 may enhance the action of vitamin D3 on testosterone levels. 

While some evidence shows vitamin K can control inflammation and maintain testosterone,  no direct research shows the benefits of vitamin K2 on testosterone.

Effective dosage: 90 to 360mcg

Zinc (30mg)

Prime Male enhance ingredients

Zinc is an essential trace mineral involved in immune health, hormone function, and controlling inflammation. 

Low levels of zinc are highly associated with low testosterone and related symptoms. 

Also, zinc reduces the conversion of testosterone to estrogen and SHBG. It is also involved in the natural production of testosterone.

These are some reasons why zinc supplementation is regarded as an effective way to increase total and free testosterone levels in men with low T.

Effective dosage according to research: 5 to 10mg (preventative) or 25 to 45mg (to treat a deficiency)

Black Pepper Extract (5mg)

Black pepper extract contains a compound called piperine, which seems to increase the absorption of other nutrients. 

This may lead to greater benefits for whatever nutrients it’s paired with. 

Effective dosage: 20mg

Prime Male Pros

Prime Male has the potential for several benefits worth considering. Listed below are the main pros of Prime Male testosterone booster.


  • Well-researched ingredients
  • Effective doses of ashwagandha, vitamin D3, and zinc
  • May increase free and total testosterone
  • Benefits for libido, energy, and exercise
  • May have cognitive and mood benefits
  • Fully transparent label
  • Made in GMP-certified, FDA-approved facilities

Prime Male Cons

While there could be benefits to the Prime Male supplement, there are also a few drawbacks to keep in mind. Right below are the main cons of Prime Male.  


  • A number of ingredients are underdosed
  • Some ingredients aren’t well-researched (e.g. vitamin K2, nettle)
  • Very expensive
  • Have to take four pills (one pill, 4x/day) 
Prime Male Natural Testosterone Booster

The Prime Male testosterone booster formula contains 12 key, clinically-researched ingredients which they say are specifically designed for men aged 30 and above. All of the ingredients are designed to work together to help men get back the energy, vitality, and youthfulness they enjoyed in their teens and 20s. 

We are reader funded, which means we earn a small commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. We appreciate the support!

How to Use Prime Male

The makers of Prime Male recommend that men take one pill four times per day with meals or snacks. 

It’s a good idea to speak to a medical professional before starting new supplements, especially if you have any health conditions or take medication. 

Recommended Dosage

While you could take all four pills at once (or perhaps two pills twice per day), it is recommended to split the serving into four doses for maximum effectiveness.

Real Customer Prime Male Reviews

Let’s look at real Prime Male reviews from verified customers. 

There are a lot of positive Prime Male customer reviews on their main website, but we also look at other third-party sites for further confirmation.

In general, Prime Male supplement reviews on Amazon and other sites are positive. It is rated four out of five stars on Amazon based on over 100 reviews. 

That’s not a huge number, but still decent enough to determine the overall consensus.

In general, here are some positive benefits customers have noted in Prime Male reviews:

  • Increased energy
  • Greater libido
  • Weight loss
  • Increased muscle and strength
  • Virility enhancement

However, not all Prime Male reviews were positive. Below are some general negative aspects that customers touched on:

  • No noticeable changes 
  • Increased acne (rare, but still worth noting)
  • Doesn’t help with energy

Also, I wanted to list some specific reviews to give you concrete examples of what some customers have found. 

Read below to check out some Prime Male testosterone booster reviews from real customers:

“​​I only took it for just 7 weeks, which is a little less than 2 months, but my body already produced 131 ng/dL increase in testosterone level. This is definitely NOT from a placebo effect. And that is because the blood test reveals only true results, not placebo results. By the way, I am 60 years old.” -Steven C. 

“I’ve been taking the product for 2 weeks and the results are clear, reduction in belly fat, weight loss, and yes, a little more lead in the pencil. You do need to take it 4 times throughout the day for it to be effective. I take one in the morning and then keep 3 on me to take throughout the day.”- Christopher 

“After two weeks, I’m sleeping better, and have more energy throughout the day. Definitely helps with libido too. Girlfriend is happy, so am I.” -Joe R.

“At the end of the first month, I felt stronger and more dynamic. After 2 months, my physique was already denser. After 6 months with a balanced diet and good workouts, I got impressive results compared to my natural physique. I’ve lost weight and I feel like my abs look harder and muscles denser- just impressive.” -Jerome

“​​Took for a month, no difference in my energy level.” -Brian G.

“I went ahead and used this one for 30 days just for the heck of it. Guess what? No change in libido or energy or strength or aggression or any of that noise!” -Haze B. 

“I started using PrimeMale to help me increase my sex drive and more energy throughout the day, and I was pretty surprised to feel the effects in just 2 weeks that I started taking it. I’m on my 3rd month and it has been amazing, even though I’m barely 35, my testosterone was pretty low since I was 29.”-Maxx

Alternatives to Prime Male

Prime Male certainly isn’t the end-all-be-all testosterone booster. Some possible alternatives to Prime Male worth considering include TestoFuel, TestoPrime, and TestoGen. 


TestoFuel is a testosterone booster designed specifically for packing on muscle mass and boosting strength. There are other advertised benefits, too, such as weight loss and boosted mood.


  • Clinically-researched ingredients
  • Effective doses of maca, DAA, and fenugreek
  • Vitamins and minerals for T support
  • May increase strength and muscle
  • Ingredients for energy and libido


  • A few ingredients underdosed (e.g. ginseng, magnesium)
  • Pretty expensive
  • Some ingredients don’t have direct benefits

Read our full TestoFuel review here to learn more about it and gain a further understanding of the differences between Prime Male vs. TestoFuel. 


TestoPrime vs Prime Male

TestoPrime is advertised as an all-natural testosterone booster to help men reclaim their youthfulness and vitality. TestoPrime is designed to shred belly fat, help you build muscle, and increase physical and mental energy, so you can feel like your true self again.


  • Many well-researched ingredients (DAA, ashwagandha, ginseng, fenugreek, etc.)
  • Boosts exercise performance
  • May aid fat loss
  • Pretty well-dosed
  • Stress reduction


  • Expensive
  • Some ingredients underdosed
  • A few unnecessary ingredients


Testogen is designed to boost testosterone and reverse many of the symptoms of low T. Testogen is advertised to help men get their drive and mojo back. Plus, it claims to increase energy and performance, boost your libido back up, and help you melt away stubborn body fat.


  • Great mix of clinically-researched ingredients (e.g. fenugreek, DAA)
  • Energy and exercise enhancement
  • Key vitamins and minerals (e.g. magnesium, boron, vitamin D)
  • 100-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • Expensive
  • A few ingredients aren’t dosed properly

Health Benefits of Prime Male

If you came to this Prime Male review, I’m betting you want to know what the specific health benefits are.

While there are no guarantees, Prime Male may be able to offer the following benefits:

  • Natural Testosterone Increase
  • Hormone Regulation
  • Increased Energy
  • Enhanced Libido
  • More Muscle and Strength
  • Boosted Mood and Cognitive Function

Natural Testosterone Increase

Prime Male reviews

One of the main benefits of Prime Male is a potential boost in testosterone. Prime Male is particularly geared to benefit men over 30 in this regard. This is important since low testosterone increases in prevalence as men get older. 

Rather than relying on external hormones, Prime Male uses a number of science-backed ingredients that may naturally increase free and total testosterone. And this may lead to many of the below benefits, given their relationship with testosterone. 

Hormone Regulation

When talking about testosterone, it’s not just testosterone that matters, believe it or not. In fact, other crucial hormones can influence testosterone, such as estrogen and SHBG. 

And Prime Male may help reduce estrogen and SHBG with zinc, boron, luteolin, magnesium, and others. 

This may elevate free testosterone levels even further, which is important since free testosterone levels are seen as the most important determinant when it comes to identifying low T.

Increased Energy

Prime Male testosterone booster may also increase energy, both directly and indirectly. 

For one, ingredients such as ginseng may directly increase energy due to the stimulatory effects.

Prime Male may also increase energy indirectly by giving the body more of the nutrients that it may need, such as magnesium, zinc, and boron. 

If you’re deficient in any of the nutrients in Prime Male, you’re more likely to see benefits overall, including energy.

In turn, you may have more energy to do all the things you want, whether that’s for your job, partner, family, or fitness.

Enhanced Libido

Low libido is one of the most common symptoms of low testosterone. But Prime Male may be able to help with some of those embarrassing symptoms, such as erectile dysfunction.

Basically, Prime Male may increase your free and total testosterone levels, which could enhance sex drive, libido, and bedroom confidence. 

More Muscle and Strength

Prime Male review

Testosterone also plays key roles in muscle protein synthesis and other factors in muscle-building. This is why Prime Male may be able to help aging men boost their muscle mass and strength levels. 

Key ingredients in Prime Male, such as ashwagandha, zinc, and magnesium, may also have direct benefits for enhancing exercise performance and aiding muscle recovery.

In turn, you may be able to recover more quickly from workouts, pack on more size, and bust through strength plateaus. 

Boosted Mood and Cognitive Function

The last possible benefit I want to touch on with Prime Male is in the mental health department.

Prime Male may be able to boost mood and increase cognitive function. This is from a few key ingredients that help reduce mental stress and may give you more energy, such as ginseng, magnesium, and ashwagandha. 

In general, it may boost overall brain function simply by increasing testosterone.

In turn, you may have a better mental outlook. And even enhanced mental energy to be more efficient in your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities.

Potential Side Effects

All of the ingredients in Prime Male are generally recognized as safe when consumed in recommended amounts. 

But there are always possible side effects when taking supplements. 

A few rare users noted an increase in acne and slight mood changes when taking Prime Male testosterone booster.  

Also, based on the ingredient list, possible Prime Male side effects include upset stomach or other digestive symptoms, headache, and nervousness/anxiety (from ginseng).

Prime Male Price

Each bottle of Prime Male has 30 servings (120 capsules). You can buy either a one, two, or four-month supply. 

Here are the prices:

  • One Bottle: $75 ($2.50/serving)
  • Two Bottles: $150 ($2.50/serving)
  • Three Bottles + One Free Bottle: $225 ($1.88/serving)

Also, if you buy the two or four-month supply, you get their Boss Prime program for free. This program is filled with workouts and nutrition information to help you transform your body.

Overall, Prime Male is definitely an expensive product, and higher than most t-boosters out there. If you end up trying it and liking it, I’d go with the four-month supply to save money.

Prime Male Natural Testosterone Booster

The Prime Male testosterone booster formula contains 12 key, clinically-researched ingredients which they say are specifically designed for men aged 30 and above. All of the ingredients are designed to work together to help men get back the energy, vitality, and youthfulness they enjoyed in their teens and 20s. 

We are reader funded, which means we earn a small commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. We appreciate the support!

Prime Male Shipping & Returns

The shipping information depends on how many bottles you buy at a time. 

If you buy a one- or two-month supply, you get free shipping in the US and UK.

Prime Male offers free worldwide shipping for people who buy a four-month supply. 

Orders for North American countries generally arrive in two to 15 days. 

Orders in the UK generally take one to two days to arrive, and one to six days for other European countries.

Lastly, orders around the world may take two to 15 days, depending on location and other factors.


They have a 30-Day Return Policy for USA/Canada orders and a 14-Day Return Policy for other orders. 

You must notify customer support and make sure that the products being returned are unused, unopened, and in their original packaging.

Prime Male Company Details

Prime Male is produced by Roar Ambition. 

You can contact Roar Ambition with comments, questions, or complaints at [email protected]

Final Recommendations

That’s the end of this Prime Male review. 

So, if you’re a man, you might still be wondering what to do with all of this information.

You want answers, right? After all, you’ve probably waited long enough to find solutions to the frustrating symptoms of low testosterone.

Less energy, non-existent libido, trouble gaining strength and size, and even a worsened mood.

But you don’t have to live with these symptoms forever, or at least not to this degree.

Yes, testosterone naturally declines as you get older, but there are things you can do to limit this, such as diet, sleep, stress reduction, exercise, and supplementation.

And when it comes to supplementation, Prime Male is a potential option to boost your manliness. It has many well-researched ingredients to support testosterone, energy, vitality, and virility. 

Some of the dosages are a bit low, but Prime Male is still one of the better t-boosters out there overall.

So, if you’re interested in ordering, you can get it on the main Prime Male website here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Prime Male used for?

Prime Male is used to help men over 30 boost their total and free testosterone levels. It is also advertised to help men increase energy, drive, libido, muscle, and more.

How much does Prime Male cost?

Prime Male costs $75 for one bottle, $150 for two bottles, and $225 for four bottles.

Which testosterone supplement works best?

There isn’t one best testosterone supplement, but the top testosterone boosters have many similarities. This includes a solid combination of well-researched ingredients, clinically supported dosages, and standards for quality and purity.

Can boron boost testosterone levels?

Yes, boron has been shown in research to boost total and free testosterone levels.

Where to buy Prime Male?

Is Prime Male a scam?

No, Prime Male is not a scam. While it may not work for everyone, it certainly at least has a decent potential to work. And the ingredients in it are backed by research.

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