
Is your current program not giving you the results you’re looking for? Have you plateaued and want to kick-start a new phase?

You’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, there’s a workout routine for women that can help you efficiently reach your goals! 

Nailing down the workout split for women that works best for you can be a bit challenging. The internet is loaded with fitness information. How are you supposed to know which gym workout plan for women you should follow?

I’ve been a personal trainer for many years, devising female workout routines that deliver the results they desire. 

Results can include weight loss, increased muscle mass, improved energy levels, higher metabolisms, and more!

Read on to see examples of possible workout splits for you to choose from. It is very likely that you will find the workout routine for women that you need to get started on transforming your physique and health!

What is a workout split?

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workout split for women

A workout split is a weekly routine of workouts designed to hit certain muscle groups. 

It is not advisable to exercise a muscle group two days in a row because this can impede recovery. A split lets you be more purposeful with what muscles you target in a workout.

Things to Consider When Deciding on Your Workout Split

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workout routine for women

Training Goals

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What is the reason you’re exercising in the first place? A goal could include things like gaining muscle, losing fat, improving PRs with certain exercises, developing specific muscles, and more. 

Determine your primary goal. Let that take the lead when you decide which workout split to try.

Training Level

If you’re a beginner with fitness, certain splits will be better for you than others because of the varying demand on muscle groups. 

For example, full-body workouts are generally a great place to start so you can efficiently work the entire body without overtraining any certain part. Overtraining leads to intense soreness and an increased risk of injury.

If you’re a more advanced lifter, exercising fewer muscle groups per workout and being in the gym more often makes sense. 

At this stage, full-body workouts would be more likely to help you maintain your current physique rather than progress.


Related: What Is The Best 6-Day Workout Split?

Splits can generally be performed once or repeated in a week. They range from two days to six days a week, so determine early on how many days weekly you can realistically exercise. 

It is important that you have realistic expectations. It can be overwhelming if you overcommit, especially from the beginning, so consider starting with fewer days and increasing as time allows.

Number of Daily Exercises 

While a workout within a split can always be adjusted, beginner splits tend to have fewer exercises while advanced splits have more. 

Either way, pay attention to how much time you have to exercise. Choose the most effective exercises to include if you do have a more limited amount of time available. 

Compound exercises like bench press, deadlift, and squat are a great place to start!

The Most Common Types of Training Splits

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best workout split for women

Full-Body Split

This split is great for beginners because it is not quite as strenuous but still delivers great results. 

You can work out as many times as you like weekly with this split, so it’s flexible for those who don’t have consistent available time for the gym.

PP Split

A workout program for women that only works the upper body is the push-pull split. During a push workout, you exercise your chest, triceps, and shoulders. 

During a pull workout, you exercise your back and biceps. 

It is up to you which day you include abdominal exercises, if you choose to do them at all.

PPL Split

This split is just like the PP except there is a lower body workout added into the cycle. On this day, the workouts for women target your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

This split is considered to be one of the most effective ones because each muscle group is purposefully targeted and there is the opportunity to train every group twice a week.

Upper-Lower Split

The next step after the full-body split would be the upper-lower split. Exactly how it sounds, you alternate between targeting your upper and lower body to create a balanced look.

An upper-body workout would target the chest, triceps, shoulders, back, biceps, and abdominals. 

Meanwhile, the lower-body workout involves the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. 

You do have the option of targeting your abdominals on a lower-body day if that makes more sense for you.

Bro Split

Have specific muscles you need to work on? Bro split workouts vary based on your goals, but it typically involves more days a week since fewer muscle groups are challenged per workout. 

Overall, this one tends to be a four or five day workout split for women.

The most common muscles women target are the glutes, shoulders, and abdominals.

How to Choose the Most Effective Workout Split for Women

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workouts for women

While every workout split has its benefits, the best one for you depends on the things to consider that we mentioned earlier. Exercising in general has many benefits, but you will get the most bang for your buck if you are intentional with which one you choose.

Prioritize your overall fitness goal and how many days a week you are able to work out when deciding which split is right for you.

What are the benefits of using a workout split for women?

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benefits workout split

Many people step into the gym and just do random exercises until their time is up. 

While you will certainly burn calories with this method, it will be extremely difficult for you to form a specific new physique or reach strength goals. 

A workout split gives you structure and also helps with accountability. If you miss a day, certain muscle groups end up being worked more than others, and this can get in the way of progress.

Knowing exactly what you will be doing when you step in the gym also speeds up the progress and helps prevent you from wasting time. 

Before you know it, you’ll be hitting your goals and developing new ones that take you beyond where you originally imagined!

Top 6 Exercises for Women to Include in a Workout Split 

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1. Bench Press

The bench press is an essential exercise for any workout plan for women on an upper-body or push day. It simultaneously works the chest, triceps, and shoulders. 

This means it is efficient with both your time and the number of muscles it targets!

Equipment Requirements

Bench, barbell, and plates

How-To Perform Bench Press

  1. Lay on a bench with a loaded barbell above you. 
  2. Grab the barbell evenly and bring it forward so it is right above your chest with your arms fully extended. 
  3. Bend your elbows and slowly lower the barbell until it hits the center of your chest. 
  4. Push the bar all the way back up before repeating the movement. 


  • Strengthens your triceps
  • Builds your chest
  • Challenges your shoulders

Pro Tips

  • Focus on placing your weight on your upper back to create more stability throughout the exercise and be able to lift heavier weights.
  • Keep your upper arms at a 45-degree angle to help prevent shoulder or elbow injuries.

2. Barbell Back Squats

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Squats are amazing for building the lower body and improving posture. The barbell back squat takes it to the next level by letting you add more weight while maintaining your balance. 

Make sure to do these at least once a week as part of a lower-body workout!

Equipment Requirements

Barbell and plates

How-To Perform Barbell Back Squats

  1. Position yourself in the center of a loaded barbell. 
  2. Step your feet out a bit wider than hip-width with your toes pointed outward at a 45-degree angle. 
  3. Keep your chest up and back straight as you push your glutes back. 
  4. Bend your legs and drop down into a squat, pausing when your thighs are parallel to the floor. 
  5. Push back up through your heels to come up to standing.


  • Strengthens the quads
  • Builds the glutes
  • Functional movement

Pro Tips

  • As you squat down, ensure your knees do not go past your toes to prevent knee injuries.
  • Feel free to use a bar pad if you find the barbell hurting your neck.

3. Sumo Deadlifts

Related: Hook Grip Deadlift

Deadlifts primarily work the lower body but require a good amount of work from the upper body as well. 

This exercise comes in many forms, but the sumo deadlift is one of the best for shaping the glutes – a muscle many want to see targeted in a workout routine for women. 

This exercise can be done on a lower-body or pull day.

Equipment Requirements

Barbell and plates

How-To Perform Sumo Deadlifts

  1. Place your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart with your toes pointed out. 
  2. Squat down and grab your loaded barbell with an even grip. 
  3. Keeping your back straight and shoulders back, push through your heels and lift the barbell off the ground. 
  4. Come up to standing and pause at the top with your knees extended. 
  5. Bend your knees and slowly bring the bar back to the ground while maintaining a straight back.


  • Builds the glutes
  • Improves grip
  • Strengthens the hamstrings and quads

Pro Tips

  • If the bar tends to slip out of your hands, try using chalk.
  • To prevent a lower back injury caused by rounding your back during the movement, try starting with sticking your bum up so as you lift the weight, your back flattens out and no rounding occurs.

4. Barbell Hip Thrusts

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Barbell hip thrusts are one of the best exercises for building your bum!

Whether you use a barbell with plates or a machine, make sure to do this exercise at least once a week during a leg workout.

Equipment Requirements

Barbell, bar pad, and plates

How-To Perform Barbell Hip Thrusts

  1. Sit on the floor with your back leaning against the side of a bench and a loaded barbell resting on your hips. 
  2. Place your feet so your soles are firmly planted on the ground. Shimmy your back up so the bench holds your weight. 
  3. Grab the barbell with both hands and push your hips up toward the sky. 
  4. Pause when your legs form a 90-degree angle before slowly lowering your hips back down to the ground.


  • Strengthens the hamstrings
  • Builds the glutes
  • Protects the knees

Pro Tips

  • Focus on going through a full hinge movement of the hips during this exercise to maximize the effects on the glutes.
  • Keep your chin tucked into your chest throughout the movement to protect your neck.

5. Lat Pulldowns

If one of the goals for your workout routine for women is to develop an hourglass shape, you need to do lat pulldowns! 

Your waist can only get so small, so being able to grow the width of your back can help add to the look. Do this exercise on an upper-body or pull day.

Equipment Requirements

Cable machine and bar

How-To Perform Lat Pulldowns

  1. Take a seat and evenly grab the bar above you. 
  2. Push your shoulders back and chest up. Pull the bar down to your chest. 
  3. Tap it on your chest before releasing it back up to the starting position.


  • Strengthens your biceps
  • Builds your back
  • Contributes to an hourglass shape

Pro Tips

  • If you are unable to bring the bar all the way down to your chest, this is likely a sign that you need to use a lighter weight.
  • To ensure that your lats are developing symmetrically, try alternating which side of the bar you pull down on.

6. Hanging Leg Raises

Hanging leg raises make an abdominal exercise feel like a full-body workout.

There are many benefits to this intense ab exercise. Be sure to add it into whatever day you wish to do abs in your workout routine for women!

Equipment Requirements

Pull-up bar

How-To Perform Hanging Leg Raises

  1. Grab onto a pull-up bar so your arms are fully extended and your feet cannot touch the floor. 
  2. Keeping your legs straight and feet together, bring your legs up until they are parallel with the ground. 
  3. Hold them here for a moment before dropping them back down and repeating.


  • Improves grip
  • Strengthens the abdominals
  • Works the quads

Pro Tips

  • Do your best to not swing during this movement because it can make it less effective.
  • If you want to make this exercise harder, try holding a dumbbell between your feet.

Full-Body Workout Split for Women 

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Example Workout Schedule

  • Monday: Full Body Day 1
  • Tuesday: Full Body Day 2
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: Full Body Day 1
  • Friday: Full Body Day 2
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: Rest


Full Body Day 1
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Barbell Back Squats38-101 minute 30 seconds
Barbell Hip Thrusts310-1245 seconds
T-Bar Rows212-1545 seconds
Hanging Leg Raises212-1545 seconds
CARDIO15 minutes walking on an incline
COOLDOWN5 minutes full-body stretching
Full Body Day 2
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Sumo Deadlifts38-101 minute 30 seconds
Bench Press310-1245 seconds
Bulgarian Split Squats212-1545 seconds
Lat Pulldowns212-1545 seconds
CARDIO10 minutes Stairmaster
COOLDOWN5 minutes full-body stretching


Full Body Day 1
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Barbell Back Squats48-101 minute
Barbell Hip Thrusts310-1230 seconds
Machine Chest Flys310-1230 seconds
Cable Rows212-1530 seconds
Hanging Leg Raises212-1530 seconds
CARDIO25 minutes walking on an incline
COOLDOWN5 minutes full-body stretching
Full Body Day 2
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Sumo Deadlifts48-101 minute
Bench Press310-1230 seconds
Leg Press310-1230 seconds
Lat Pulldowns212-1530 seconds
Weighted Russian Twists212-1530 seconds
CARDIO20 minutes Stairmaster
COOLDOWN5 minutes full-body stretching

Upper-Lower Workout Split for Women 

Example Workout Schedule

  • Monday: Upper Body Workout
  • Tuesday: Lower Body Workout
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: Upper Body Workout
  • Friday: Lower Body Workout
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: Rest


Upper Body Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Bench Press38-101 minute 30 seconds
Lat Pulldowns310-1245 seconds
Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns212-1545 seconds
Hanging Leg Raises212-1545 seconds
CARDIO15 minutes walking on an incline
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Lower Body Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes biking + active stretching
Sumo Deadlifts38-101 minute 30 seconds
Barbell Back Squats310-1245 seconds
Barbell Hip Thrusts212-1545 seconds
Seated Calf Machine212-1545 seconds
CARDIO10 minutes Stairmaster
COOLDOWN5 minutes lower-body stretching


Upper Body Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Bench Press48-101 minute
Military Press310-1230 seconds
Lat Pulldowns310-1230 seconds
Dumbbell Bicep Curls212-1530 seconds
Hanging Leg Raises212-1530 seconds
CARDIO25 minutes walking on an incline
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Lower Body Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes biking + active stretching
Sumo Deadlifts48-101 minute
Barbell Back Squats310-1230 seconds
Barbell Hip Thrusts310-1230 seconds
Weighted Step Ups212-1530 seconds
Lying Hamstring Curls212-1530 seconds
CARDIO20 minutes Stairmaster
COOLDOWN5 minutes lower-body stretching

Push-Pull Workout Split for Women 

Example Workout Schedule

  • Monday: Push Workout
  • Tuesday: Pull Workout
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: Push Workout
  • Friday: Pull Workout
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: Rest


Push Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Bench Press38-101 minute 30 seconds
Machine Chest Flys310-1245 seconds
Lateral Raises212-1545 seconds
Tricep Pressdown Machine212-1545 seconds
CARDIO15 minutes walking on an incline
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Pull Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Sumo Deadlifts38-101 minute 30 seconds
Lat Pulldowns310-1245 seconds
Dumbbell Bicep Curls212-1545 seconds
Hanging Leg Raises212-1545 seconds
CARDIO10 minutes Stairmaster
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching


Push Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Bench Press48-101 minute
Straight Arm Pullovers310-1230 seconds
Forward Raises310-1230 seconds
Arnold Presses212-1530 seconds
Cable Tricep Pressdowns212-1530 seconds
CARDIO25 minutes walking on an incline
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Pull Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Sumo Deadlifts48-101 minute
Lat Pulldowns310-1230 seconds
Cable Rows310-1230 seconds
Cable Bicep Curls212-1530 seconds
Hanging Leg Raises212-1530 seconds
CARDIO20 minutes Stairmaster
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching

Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) Workout Split for Women 

Example Workout Schedule

  • Monday: Push Workout
  • Tuesday: Pull Workout
  • Wednesday: Legs Workout
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Push Workout
  • Saturday: Pull Workout
  • Sunday: Legs Workout


Push Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Bench Press38-101 minute 30 seconds
Machine Chest Flys310-1245 seconds
Lateral Raises212-1545 seconds
Tricep Pressdown Machine212-1545 seconds
CARDIO15 minutes walking on an incline
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Pull Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Sumo Deadlifts38-101 minute 30 seconds
Lat Pulldowns310-1245 seconds
Dumbbell Bicep Curls212-1545 seconds
Hanging Leg Raises212-1545 seconds
CARDIO10 minutes Stairmaster
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Legs Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes biking + active stretching
Barbell Back Squats38-101 minute 30 seconds
Barbell Hip Thrusts310-1245 seconds
Lying Hamstring Curls212-1545 seconds
Seated Calf Machine212-1545 seconds
CARDIO10-minute HIIT workout
COOLDOWN5 minutes lower-body stretching


Push Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Bench Press48-101 minute
Straight Arm Pullovers310-1230 seconds
Forward Raises310-1230 seconds
Arnold Presses212-1530 seconds
Cable Tricep Pressdowns212-1530 seconds
CARDIO25 minutes walking on an incline
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Pull Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Sumo Deadlifts48-101 minute
Lat Pulldowns310-1230 seconds
Cable Rows310-1230 seconds
Cable Bicep Curls212-1530 seconds
Hanging Leg Raises212-1530 seconds
CARDIO20 minutes Stairmaster
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Legs Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes biking + active stretching
Barbell Back Squats48-101 minute
Barbell Hip Thrusts310-1230 seconds
Weighted Step Ups310-1230 seconds
Bulgarian Split Squats212-1530 seconds
Seated Leg Curls212-1530 seconds
CARDIO15-minute HIIT workout
COOLDOWN5 minutes lower-body stretching

Bro Workout Split for Women 

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Example Workout Schedule

  • Monday: Chest, Back, Biceps, and Triceps Workout
  • Tuesday: Glutes Workout
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: Shoulders and Abs Workout
  • Friday: Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves Workout
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: Rest


Chest, Back, Biceps, and Triceps Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Bench Press38-101 minute 30 seconds
Lat Pulldowns310-1245 seconds
Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks212-1545 seconds
Cable Curls212-1545 seconds
CARDIO15 minutes walking on an incline
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Glutes Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes biking + active stretching
Barbell Back Squat38-101 minute 30 seconds
Barbell Hip Thrusts310-1245 seconds
Cable Kickbacks212-1545 seconds
Glute Machine212-1545 seconds
CARDIO10 minutes Stairmaster
COOLDOWN5 minutes lower-body stretching
Shoulders and Abs Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Overhead Presses38-101 minute 30 seconds
Lateral Raises310-1245 seconds
Hanging Leg Raises212-1545 seconds
Crunches212-1545 seconds
CARDIO10-minute HIIT workout
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes biking + active stretching
Sumo Deadlifts38-101 minute 30 seconds
Leg Extensions310-1245 seconds
Lying Hamstring Curls212-1545 seconds
Seated Calf Machine212-1545 seconds
CARDIO15 minutes biking
COOLDOWN5 minutes lower-body stretching


Chest, Back, Biceps, and Triceps Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Bench Press48-101 minute
Lat Pulldowns310-1230 seconds
Dips310-1230 seconds
Cable Rows212-1530 seconds
Preacher Curls212-1530 seconds
CARDIO25 minutes walking on an incline
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Glutes Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes biking + active stretching
Barbell Back Squats48-101 minute
Barbell Hip Thrusts310-1230 seconds
Bulgarian Split Squats310-1230 seconds
Abductor Machine212-1530 seconds
Donkey Kicks212-1530 seconds
CARDIO20 minutes Stairmaster
COOLDOWN5 minutes lower-body stretching
Shoulders and Abs Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes walking on treadmill + active stretching
Military Press48-101 minute
Dumbbell Front Raises310-1230 seconds
Cable Lateral Raises310-1230 seconds
Hanging Leg Raises212-1530 seconds
Russian Twists212-1530 seconds
CARDIO15-minute HIIT workout
COOLDOWN5 minutes upper-body stretching
Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves Workout
WARM-UP5 minutes biking + active stretching
Sumo Deadlifts48-101 minute
Leg Press310-1230 seconds
Weighted Step Ups310-1230 seconds
Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts212-1530 seconds
Smith Machine Calf Raises212-1530 seconds
CARDIO30 minutes biking
COOLDOWN5 minutes lower-body stretching

Frequently Asked Questions

workout program for women

What is the most effective workout split for women?

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The best workout split for women is determined by what someone’s main goal is. 

However, the push, pull, legs split is considered to be one of the most effective workout plans for women because it evenly targets every muscle in the body.

The split can also be repeated twice a week if someone has the time. This can deliver even faster results.

What should my training split be? 

Your training split should be dependent on what you are trying to achieve in the gym and how many days you are able to dedicate to working toward your goal.

If you’re a beginner and not sure where to start, try a full-body workout plan for women. This will introduce you to giving each muscle group attention while not making the workouts too intense!


We hope that you enjoyed reading about the various workouts for women that you can try! Hopefully, at least one will get you one step closer to where you want to be.

Stepping into the gym with a plan and knowledge of how to progress is key for you being able to gain muscle, burn fat, and transform your body.

Comment below which workout plan for women you are going to try. And don’t forget to share this article with anyone else who could benefit from it!